tisdag 22 maj 2012

The Hymn of Passion

I want to frown, visualising my dispair, the sadness graze.

Still I can not, for my heart sings the hymn of joyfulness with eyes ablaze.

Flowing endlessly like the ocean, I bathe in the glory of this feeling.

My voice captured and falls apart, unable to speak of a moment of perfection.

I take a step closer to you, sneaking upon you with a hug, warm with love.

You laughed and smile towards me, showing me affection, greeted with a kiss.

Yet there remains the endless void, unloved by your heart, I am left to struggle.

I stumble with words, creating a fool out of myself, tenderness is all I can show you.

Our breath become one as we are close, touching lips, an emotion granted by angels.

I fondle your hair back so I can gaze deep into those eyes which hold eternal beauty.

We embrace and kiss, feeling the wind dance around us, prolonging our moment.

My fingers caressing your naked body, sculpted as an reflection of true divinity.

I rest my head upon your chest, listening to a tune, your heartbeat are so comforting.

Here I sit within a corner and trying to sing an anthem for the passion I hold for you.

I fear my song goes unheard, by the person which matters the most to me.

söndag 20 maj 2012


For my insidious thoughts, I'm at fault
I vowed to be silent about a connection
Wondering which word could reach through
Maybe a silent whisper, or a shout
Perhaps a simple smile might be enough
You have become the definition of happiness
A shared laughter, holding hands
We tumble and fool around
The memory of you always make me smile
I taste your lips, enjoying every moment
My hand caresses your hair
I pull you closer, gazing deep into your eyes
I see you as you, the true reflection of beauty

torsdag 10 maj 2012

Bitterljuv Kärlek

Ditt namn yttrades som en viskning
Bortsköljdes av havets vilda vågor
Blickar förblev bortglömda
Förevigade i en varm solnedgång
Likt smedens slag våra hjärtan slå
Tystnade av en varsam vind
Avståndet blev avgrundens vrål
Den sista kyssen älskad ljuv
Dödens ros välkomnar lovord
Kärlekens famn kramar öde

söndag 6 maj 2012


Sommarnatten giver oss ro och värme
Din läppar är vid mitt öra och giver ljuva ord
Mina fingrar dansar glatt över din hud
Vinden smeker våra kroppar stilla som vatten
Sommarnatten skänker oss ro och glädje
Gräset bäddar mjukt och håller oss nära
Livets sanna skatt är du som jag håller ömt
Våran kärlek blommar och giver lyster
Ditt skratt förblir den enda symfoni jag vill höra
Sommarnatten är vi och kärleken värmer